Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for February 24, 2016

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    William Neal McPheeters  about 9 years ago

    Okay … I’m ready for February to end!!!

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  2. Rick
    davidf42  about 9 years ago

    Morning, Village!

    McPheeters – understood. Concur.

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  3. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  about 9 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds.I to will be glad to see February logged into the history books..March 1st is Town Meeting in Vermont, and Super Tuesday Primary in a bunch of states, VT included..Also, let the Madness begin, March Madness that is..Really Nevada, Trump?.OK, no more politics..I going to go on my toon tour now, good day all..ttfn

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  4. My boys
    woodworker318  about 9 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds.

    Had a healing service last night. Small crowd, maybe 50 or so.

    Rain off and on today with temp going into the 50’s.

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    arye uygur  about 9 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds. I was finally discharged from the hospital last night and arrived at my home really worn out with a diagnosis of diabETES. If I hadn’t called the ambulatnceI was told I would’ve died of organ falure. Now I must live with a new diet: no chocolate syrupin my milk and – SURPRISE! – Plaine milk tastes good.

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    MontanaLady  about 9 years ago

    Good Morning, Vagabonds,

    SO GOOD TO SEE YOU, ARYE!!! At least you know what it is, and can handle it with diet. It sure is hard to give up the foods you love, but………….the alternative………….

    Did a bunch of errands yesterday. Sore today. :((Got down to 19 during the night, and all the way up to 40 yesterday.

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  7. Rick
    davidf42  about 9 years ago

    Great to see you back, Arye!

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  8. Silverknights
    JanLC  about 9 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    Welcome back, Arye. I am so glad you are home and basically all right. Be glad you are not Type 1, so no regular self-inflicted shots.

    Mark, I make no claim to the outcome of yesterdays caucus. I did not vote for him. I was very disappointed in the process. I expected some statements from the candidates being read or folks discussing them. Instead it was a huge long line (we got there early, so we were among the first to be allowed in) that let 20 people at a time in to sign in and take a paper ballot (not even an “official” ballot, just a print-out on a strip of paper). You then either voted and left or hung around to talk to your neighbors about who to vote for. We asked, and there were no scheduled speeches or round-table discussions planned, and everyone was voting and leaving immediately. Each precinct had a four-seat table for neighbors to sit and talk. (There were about 24 precincts voting at that location.) We sat and chatted with one woman and then voted & left. Disappointing to say the least. When we walked back to the parking lot, there must have been hundreds of people in line. It snaked around the buildings and halfway across the parking lot. I’m glad we decided to go early!

    So much for my adventures in caucus.

    Temp is almost 60 with a high expected around 65. Michael is back at the office and I’m going to indulge in my Downton Abbey binge. I am into season three and just watched the one where Sybil died.

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