Drabble by Kevin Fagan for January 27, 2016

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    warden145  about 9 years ago

    I suppose that’s better than Hedley Lamarr asking for a student discount :-D

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  2. Salt
    Old Salt  about 9 years ago

    BTW her name was Hedy Larmarr

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  3. Screamin  on leash special
    WDemBlk Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Our local paper The Orlando Sentinel, used the word “elderly” a lot especially in headlines. That was anyone over 50! I think they got complaints because I haven’t seen it used lately.

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  4. 00000
    alondra  about 9 years ago

    If the person behind the counter is a teenager to them everyone over 40 looks like a senior citizen. If they ask me I take it.

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    dgmiller  about 9 years ago

    On the other hand, I was carded at 35. That’s when I started to let my beard grow.

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    greatgrannyszoo  about 9 years ago

    My father bought a 6 pack of beer and was carded. He was 73. totally gray. Came home and told me about it.. He has never been carded before…Boy was he proud… I had a good laugh never told him that the store more then likely got caught selling beer to a minor. He was thrilled that is all the matters….

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