Dogs 1, Mailmen 0.This is getting complicated. If dogs use the mail against mailmen, what is the response? Sending boxes with pee aroma pads to the dogs? What if Poncho opened a box in his own house, and the mailman’s dog’s aroma saturated the room? Be careful what fight you start, Poncho. You may want to negotiate a non-peeliferation treaty.
Templo S.U.D. almost 9 years ago
I couldn’t agree more, mister mailman
Argythree almost 9 years ago
At least it was only sound, not aroma…
DennisinSeattle almost 9 years ago
Dogs 1, Mailmen 0.This is getting complicated. If dogs use the mail against mailmen, what is the response? Sending boxes with pee aroma pads to the dogs? What if Poncho opened a box in his own house, and the mailman’s dog’s aroma saturated the room? Be careful what fight you start, Poncho. You may want to negotiate a non-peeliferation treaty.
Marblemouth almost 9 years ago
I doubt that BARK IN A BOX can be sent by air. A leak could blow out windows.
juicebruce almost 9 years ago
Next week “Mooch” in a box !
Joken' almost 9 years ago
I’d go postal