Well, that’s the end of the film. Now, here’s the meaning of life.[Receives an envelope]Thank you, Brigitte.[Opens envelope, reads what’s inside]M-hmm. Well, it’s nothing very special. Uh, try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations.
Hi Snoopy_Fan. Are you OK? It’s been over a month since we talked. I was wondering if I’d upset you because you didn’t respond to two of my posts. And then you didn’t comment for about 3 weeks so I got a bit worried.
If I’ve somewhat offended you then I’m sorry. Just glad you’re OK that’s all.
Linux0s almost 9 years ago
For once Charlie Brown has all the answers.
knight1192a almost 9 years ago
Don’t hold still. If she has to tell you to hold real still so she can hit you, she’s not that good at throwing punches.
Templo S.U.D. almost 9 years ago
Does Lucille van Pelt want the meaning of life or not?
pelican47 almost 9 years ago
Life is a lot of mysteries, Lucy. And a few impossibilities.
orinoco womble almost 9 years ago
Just like people who ask for advice; when she gets plenty of answers she doesn’t want them. She wants to be told her own “answers” are correct.
Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Having the answer to the mystery of life sure didn’t help Charlie Brown much, did they?
LHPuttgrass almost 9 years ago
LadyJessica almost 9 years ago
CB is right, but he is also smarmy, and Lucy is mad that she failed at the first rule.
johndifool almost 9 years ago
Lucy certainly won’t keep the ball low (the next time ol’ Chuck is foolish enough to try to kick that infernal football)…
ksu71 almost 9 years ago
I apologize ahead of time for this but… Lucy Trump?
cubswin2016 almost 9 years ago
It looks like Charlie Brown should be running the stand.
Godfreydaniel almost 9 years ago
When you’re right you’re right………
dogday Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Crude anyplace. Utterly inappropriate here. Go someplace and launder your brain.
anorok2 almost 9 years ago
@Dogday88 and sandflea…..who are you both talking about?
ohrn almost 9 years ago
It’s the best I’ve seen in a long time
noribori almost 9 years ago
Well, that’s the end of the film. Now, here’s the meaning of life.[Receives an envelope]Thank you, Brigitte.[Opens envelope, reads what’s inside]M-hmm. Well, it’s nothing very special. Uh, try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations.
Dragoncat almost 9 years ago
You lost her at “Be kind…”
Number Three almost 9 years ago
Violence is clearly Lucy’s answer.
bmckee almost 9 years ago
One final answer: Whatever Lucy van Pelt says, do the opposite.
Number Three almost 9 years ago
Hi Snoopy_Fan. Are you OK? It’s been over a month since we talked. I was wondering if I’d upset you because you didn’t respond to two of my posts. And then you didn’t comment for about 3 weeks so I got a bit worried.
If I’ve somewhat offended you then I’m sorry. Just glad you’re OK that’s all.
Asharah almost 9 years ago
He forgot, “feed your dog whenever he’s hungry.”
RonBerg13 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I guess Lucy is going to speak power to truth.
Tarredandfeathered almost 9 years ago
The meaning of Life is simple:.It’s all about Surviving the Lucys of the world.