Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for February 04, 2016

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 9 years ago

    pretty much happens all the time, right?

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    AllishaDawn  about 9 years ago

    I noticed that when I was in grade school.

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    Cameron1988 Premium Member about 9 years ago


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    Diane Lee Premium Member about 9 years ago
    Ive heard some otherwise intelligent people say this about Obama, that they are disappointed that he didnt deliver on every syllable of what he said he wanted to do. There is a difference between a presidential candidate and a President. A candidate can tell you everything he would like to do, they are called campaign promises, and they are probably perfectly sincere ( well more or less depending on the candidate). They present a beautiful picture of the perfect country every candidate, and every American would like to have.

    A president has to deal with reality and this president has had a more than normally bleak reality. He has done a magnificent job.

    Now, if you are disappointed in Obama or any other candidate, let me ask you: How many times have you written a letter to your congressman or to a newspaper supporting him? How hard have you worked and how much have you donated to campaigns to try to get him a congress that will work with him? Or, once he was elected, did you consider it a done deal and forget about the whole process? Obama said "Yes, WE can. He never said “Yes I can”. If you haven’t done whatever you could to have his back, you really have less right to be disappointed in him than he has to be disappointed in you.
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    Louisiana Resident  about 9 years ago

    Ziggy sure is getting political lately! Enough of that! We have as much as we can stand already.

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    miersmat  about 9 years ago

    so i take it that all of you like the muslems he is shipping in all the lying he is doing all the race baiting he is allowing not sticking up for our military or our policemen who are bing killed trying to undermind and go around our constituionand giveing muslems free everything that we americans have to pay for.i would hope that our congress would fight him on that wake up peaple pull youre head out of the sand and look at what ourcountry is looking like evan russia and iran are lauphing at us..

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    neverenoughgold  about 9 years ago

    Ever read Revelations? You should before the end of 2016, because if you didn’t believe in armageddon, you might want to reconsider…

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    Marisa Ruffolo Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Yesterday, on another comic strip @Jo Clear told me not to lump all Americans together by the opinions of just one. Of course, this is true. People are individuals with personal opinions, etc. However, when you read some of the rash statements that are made by so many Americans on sites like this one and others, it’s hard not to generalize. I’m shocked so often by statements like @miersmat — “shipping Muslims in” etc. Not all Muslims are fanatical killing freaks, and not all Muslims are “shipped in.” And IF the world is “laughing at” you, as @miersmat suggests, it isn’t because of Obama or Muslims. It’s because somehow, Donald Trump has even been allowed to get as far as he has. That’s what most people can’t believe. The statements he makes are appalling and yet so many cheer him on. He’s a bigot, sexist, freak; no other way to say it.

    Americans, to the rest of the world, are a bold, proud people, and have no problem letting everyone else know they’re “number one.” In some ways, this can be a good thing. Freedom of speech, religion, etc. are very important and Americans have led the way in that respect. But at other times, it can cause you to become a spectacle. As a world power, all eyes are on you, taking in the good and bad together.

    All that aside, you can’t hate a whole race of people because of the actions of some of them. That’s what racism and prejudice feed off of—fear and hate.

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