ViewsAfrica by Cartoon Movement-US for January 22, 2016

  1. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 8 years ago

    Mugabe claimed term limits was a Western attempt to “place a yoke around the necks of African leaders”. He’s 91. Pfft. (it is now an open secret his wife, Grace, has stepped into power in his shadow)

    I fear for many countries in Africa. There is much intent in many African countries to remove term limits (most actually have them in place now, many only since the ‘90s in fact).

    Republic of Congo done & dusted last October, Burundi done last year despite violent protests and now a mess, now Uganda with ol’ M7 sorted (although to be honest, I don’t think there was a term limit? Museveni has been there for yonks…).

    Benin seems to be safe for now after its president assured he wouldn’t seek a 3rd later this year (but he probably wanted to, oh yes he did ); in the Democratic Republic of Congo Kabila for sure will seek a 3rd once his term ends in December; in Rwanda watch how Kagame gets his 3rd term in 2017 now that he has been given the nod.

    A few success stories though: Burkino Faso resisted but at a cost as did Senegal. Nigeria successfully resisted Osbanjo’s attempt to amend their consitution to abolish term limits 10 years ago. sigh

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