Tiny Sepuku by Ken Cursoe for July 22, 2010

  1. Dorian tenore logo
    DorianKTB  over 14 years ago

    TINY SEPUKU presents the story of my life! :-) Loved this!

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  2. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Belle from Disney’s “Beauty & The Beast.”

    She’s gorgeous, she can stick up for herself without being butch, she’s just odd enough to be interesting, she READS, and she’s not too into looks.

    She’s also LEGAL.

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  3. Evenstar
    Trisha_Evenstar  over 14 years ago

    lol @ fritzoid

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  4. Sabertoothflies
    Kira_no_futago  over 14 years ago

    Belle was always my favorite of the Disney. Then again, I was always a bookworm, so she was also really the only one with which I identified. However, outside of the Disney versions, I liked the little mermaid the best (as the beauty of the tales was a little
 dim, in my opinion, even if kind).

    In other news, I must be more addicted to Firefly than I thought. Seeing “Shiny!” made my whole night. :D

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  5. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Is that where “Shiny!” is from? I was wondering. I can imagine how it’s used, but I had no idea it was a specific reference. I like it.

    By the way, does Jennifer Aniston count as fictional? No, not Rachel from “Friends”; Jen herself. I figure that, given that I know her primarily as the person represented in the gossip rags, the version I want to date is as far from being real as any of the others mentioned in the ‘toon

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  6. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 14 years ago

    I had a depraved, er deprived childhood. I thought I would burn in Hell for thinking of Cat woman and Wonder Woman.Priest threw me out of Confession when I spoke of my two dimensional lusts.

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  7. 100 2451
    RonBerg13 Premium Member over 14 years ago

    I L O V E this comic strip!

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