Shoe by Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly for January 31, 2016

  1. Shilo s first year 002  2
    MY DOG IS MY CO PILOT  about 9 years ago

    R.I.P Sparky.

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    IndyMan  about 9 years ago

    Reminds me of some of the meals we used to have at our school cafeteria—many a student when home early some days complaining of being ‘ill’ or sick to their stomachs ! ! ! !

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    Egrayjames  about 9 years ago

    The worst thing I ever saw served at a school lunch was Mac n’Cheese. You could actually turn your plate upside down and it wouldn’t fall off. You had to scrape it off the plate into the garbage can!

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    Godfreydaniel  about 9 years ago

    Totally unrealistic! At every school cafeteria I know of, the bulldog would’ve been put into the NEXT casserole!

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    sjlowens  about 9 years ago

    I’m trying to figure out how a bulldog gets up in the Treetops!

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    neverenoughgold  about 9 years ago

    I preferred pizza burgers and on Fridays, although I wasn’t Catholic, the fish sticks and parsley buttered potatoes was to die for…

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    Thomas & Tifffany Connolly  about 9 years ago

    Such a noble creature to sacrifice himself for our health!

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