Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for February 12, 2016

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    Klaas Tadema  about 9 years ago

    For Sports Jerk Of The Year, my hands-down winner would be Tom Brady. He cheated, he lied, and he crowed about it. All this at the highest level in the most significant of American spectator sports.

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    Linguist  about 9 years ago

    What if we replace the racquets with cestas and those wuzzy tennis balls with baseballs ?

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    crg65  about 9 years ago

    I remember Bobby Riggs would play people using a frying pan instead of a racket and win handily. One of the greats who deservers to remembered for so much more than just battle of the sexes II

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    Guilty Bystander  about 9 years ago

    Pretty hard to go to your backhand with a cricket bat because the non-batting side is angled.And, yes, Bobby Riggs was a much better player than he’s been given credit for since losing to Billie Jean King, a match he was rumored to have lost on purpose because he was heavily in debt at the time and some people REALLY wanted to be paid off.

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