Or rather mummified.
Sixteen and a half years is a tad late to be delivering a cartoon.
Suspicions confirmed
Interesting theory Brambley!
This âmightâ have been amusing when Clark was alive, now itâs macabre, and a further example of lax oversight on Go Comics part. Terrible.
Long live âKeefeâ!
Dobber Premium Member about 5 years ago
Or rather mummified.
HarryLime about 5 years ago
Sixteen and a half years is a tad late to be delivering a cartoon.
Old Man River about 5 years ago
Suspicions confirmed
TerryBardy about 5 years ago
Interesting theory Brambley!
buckman-j about 5 years ago
This âmightâ have been amusing when Clark was alive, now itâs macabre, and a further example of lax oversight on Go Comics part. Terrible.
tcar-1 about 5 years ago
Long live âKeefeâ!