The carpet had to be removed in the bedroom of one of my clients, exposing the concrete floor, so we could maneuver the lift around.We had to put a small rug in the corner for his little girl to sit on so she wouldn’t freeze her buns when she was watching me get her daddy ready for the day.
MY DOG IS MY CO PILOT almost 9 years ago
Not frost bite frost butt.
Charlie Fogwhistle almost 9 years ago
For us human males,wading into very cold water produces a similar reaction at a certain water depth.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 9 years ago
The carpet had to be removed in the bedroom of one of my clients, exposing the concrete floor, so we could maneuver the lift around.We had to put a small rug in the corner for his little girl to sit on so she wouldn’t freeze her buns when she was watching me get her daddy ready for the day.
NWdryad almost 9 years ago
… I thought he was going to throw a hairball when I got to the second panel. He sounded just like my cat.
Will The Pitbull about 3 years ago
What’s going on…