Bloom County 2019 by Berkeley Breathed for February 14, 2016

  1. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  about 9 years ago

    Rock on, BB.

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  2. Win 20210131 14 53 10 pro
    unclebob53703 Premium Member about 9 years ago

    The man has no fear.

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  3. Img 1062
    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 9 years ago

    When i was younger and i left home i had to put up with mid-west people making crude and insulting jokes about me being from California.Considering some of the responses to recent comics by Mr. Breathed i would say that is the old case of being able to shovel it but not being able to take it.Learn to laugh at what you are. Then you can’t be insulted.

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  4. Captain seagull
    Faustus Mitternacht  about 9 years ago

    Looks like they (whom ever they be) got under his skin in a big way. Hmmmm……

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  5. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  about 9 years ago

    Looks like coffee isn’t doing Bill much good…

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  6. Missing large
    shipl14  about 9 years ago

    Is Bill keeping the coffee warm? Yikes!

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    ars731  about 9 years ago

    Please, can’t we all get along…

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    mattro65  about 9 years ago

    What’s he doin’ with that french pressy thing? Isn’t it for mashing potatoes?

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  9. And you wonder why
    Kylop  about 9 years ago

    My times in the midwest taught me that there are folks who want to succeed, show that they are not the stereotype people think, and are just as prone to looking down their nose at “others” as everybody else.

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    mattro65  about 9 years ago

    That was a joke. I have one.

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  11. Avatar02
    Kim Metzger  about 9 years ago

    I lived in Central Wisconsin for four-and-a-half years in the mid-1980s. During that time, I tried lutefisk. Once. For those who have never heard of it, the legend is that enemies of the Vikings poured lye into barrels containing the Vikings’ cod fish. The Vikings ate it and decided they liked it. The finished product I ate — a few bites — looks like cloudy, gray jello. There are people of Scandinavian stock in the Wisconsin/Minnesota region who just love the stuff, and there are lutefisk festivals at different times in the region.

    Probably the best line I ever saw about lutefisk was in the letters section of an issue of “Newsweek” years ago. It was in response to an article about the Scandinavian-American regions of the USA. One sentence in the article described lutefisk as a rubbery, repulsive dish. The responding letter protested, saying lutefisk is NOT rubbery.

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    leemartinlee  about 9 years ago

    If I remember correctly, lutefisk is a Danish delicacy—pickled fish left until it starts to decompose, at which point it is ready to be eaten. I’m not kidding. However, it does inspire people to great acts of generosity—you can have my share.

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  13. Missing large
    Bill Koenig  about 9 years ago

    And fish eyeballs.

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  14. Snoopy
    Pedmar Premium Member about 9 years ago

    When I was a kid here in Virginia, we used to tell the following joke: “Why don’t they have ice cubes in West Virginia?”“The guy with the recipe died!”

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  15. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 9 years ago

    There are jokes about people from every cranny & corner of the globe and the country. Some are even told by the very objects of derision. Witness the humor of Jeff Foxworthy.

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  16. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Why does the spit take, properly executed, continue to be funny? Even coming from a penguin?

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    Aladar30 Premium Member about 9 years ago


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  18. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Is Bill going for the coffee enema aficionado vote?

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  19. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 9 years ago

    Any of the Culturally Deprived out there ever tried the ancient Roman favorite, garum? No? Lutefisk sissies!I love it when BB fires his shotgun; the assembly doesn’t know what to do….

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    Joken'  about 9 years ago

    Today’s cartoon made as much sense as the current political races

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