Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 22, 2010

  1. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  over 14 years ago

    Take highway 1 in the daytime.

    “Have you ever been south of Monterey Barrancas carve the coast line and the chaparral flows to the sea ‘Neath waves of golden sunshine And have you ever been north of Morro Bay The south coast plows the sea And the people there are of the breed They don’t need electricity Water, water, cool cascades of clear, clear water The sun dance final scene sets the hills ablaze. Horizon edges quick up the mountain’s way.”

    California Saga - California Holland The Beach Boys

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  2. Blender
    heeyuk  over 14 years ago

    He may be goin’ to hell in a bucket, but at least he’s enjoyin the ride.

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  3. Bla   version 2
    FriscoLou  over 14 years ago

    Oakland’s trying to exploit “Big Pot” for the tax revenues to get themselves out of their fiscal jam. Maybe they can hire back the 80 cops they laid off, and the 200+ they’re about to. Like a “self-licking lollipop”, If they hire back the cops, they can bust more people for pot.

    Prop 19 (legalization of non-med cannabis) is on the ballot this Nov. with the promise that legalization will solve our economic woes, like a new “gold rush”. If the prop passes; will the DOJ site the ruling on the AZ immigration law and say: “No, the Feds have the ultimate say on MJ”?

    Besides CA voters can’t seem to vote on any legal proposition that the Feds will accept anyway. (prop 187, prop 8, & prop 19 maybe).

    What will come first “Marriage equality” or “Marijuana equality”?

    Get a card.

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  4. Canstock3682698
    myming  over 14 years ago

    tool muskrat, tool

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  5. O p veteranpatch small
    randgrithr  over 14 years ago

    Those who fight the hardest against legalization include those who are making obscene profits on the illegal product. There’s plenty of blood and hypocrisy on that money, but hey, who cares, right? “Poverty sucks”

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  6. 885940a2 fa49 45d2 b97f 691fc0b59e30
    MelChamp1  over 14 years ago

    Yoda can spontaneously change from bowling shirt to wetsuit (between frames 2 & 3). Jedi master he is. Do what he likes he can. :))

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  7. Zappa sheik
    ksoskins  over 14 years ago

    Oakland: Raiders - Hell’s Angels - legal pot farms What more could you want?

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  8. Rainbow phoenix   wide
    Ravenswing  over 14 years ago

    Heck, why NOT balance the budget on the backs of pot smokers? What, the city’s better off closing police and fire stations and schools or jacking taxes through the roof? Get serious.

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  9. Andy
    Sandfan  over 14 years ago

    Legalization + taxation = control + revenue. If anyone thinks our present drug policies are working, or ever have the slightest chance of working, the cartels have a spot in their PR department for you.

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  10. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 14 years ago

    Yup, tax it. I’m going to march right down city hall and ask, “who do I pay for the pot I grew? They’ll tell me door 117, where I’ll stand in line with all the other citizens paying their pot tax. Line 24, 1040 “unpaid taxes on marijuana.” State Tax form line 34 “Marijuana imported from other states with out paying State Tax.”

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  11. Img00025
    babka Premium Member over 14 years ago

    isn’t democracy about the inmates running the asylum?

    and having “the illusion of freedom” an’ all.

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  12. W6bxq
    W6BXQ, John  over 14 years ago


    I don’t remember that song but I have driven Highway One from Santa Monica to Half Moon Bay. About half way, in the Big Sur area, there is a nice camp ground just east of the highway not far from a beach.

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  13. Andy
    Sandfan  over 14 years ago

    @Lewreader: I get the sarcasm, but there will always be a “black market” in all controlled products. The tax would be at point of sale, just like booze and tobacco. That seems to be generating revenue, and nobody is killing anyone else over a beer or cigarette factory or distributorship.

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  14. 2010 10 31 026tiny
    olmail  over 14 years ago

    the idea is that ,if available, people would purchase legally grown and marketed pot and avoid all the hassles of doing so illegally. something like the tax stamp on cigarette packs i suppose would be necessary. how well that might work when anybody with a backyard or a basement hydroponic system can grow it i just don’t know. i am convinced that legalizing pot (and other drugs for that matter) would free up our legal system to better handle crimes of violence and property.

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  15. Album cover
    kfaatz925  over 14 years ago

    Great to see Zonker in his element again. Love it, GT.

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  16. 035
    napaeric  over 14 years ago

    Rational thought recognizes the value to society of marijuana legalization. That which has been costing so very dearly to try to control will instead help pay for controlling violent crimes.

    Preachers and bootleggers were the true winners in prohibition. Today, it is lawyers, judges, jailers and prison construction that reap the benefits.

    I have known pot smokers most of my life and have also known some quality pot growers trying to make a few bucks. I have tried it but prefer alcohol.

    Pot growing is not something you can do more easily than growing your own tobacco or making moonshine. Even the home pot growers would probably get a job to buy government bonded pot instead of going through the trouble of growing there own. Having gone to UC Davis (The University Farm) I can tell you we could make most of the available pot seem far inferior in quality, purity and safety.

    It is time to lock up dangerous people that are a threat to society and not the common un-dangerous pot head. If that also balances the budget we all get a bonus.

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  17. Gocomixavatar02d
    ANQuixote  over 14 years ago

    Like, far out dude - Wax On, Wax Off!

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  18. Bla   version 2
    FriscoLou  over 14 years ago

    Don’t forget about the Panthers, Yerbouti.

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  19. Bobbyicon1
    natureboyfig4 Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Oh, good. This will save law-abiding citizens and police a LOT of work. Just build a huge wall around this rebel city and put one-way gates in. The tax savings will be huge!

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  20. Jackcropped
    Nemesys  over 14 years ago

    surfstuff does have a point in that drug legalization carries its own solutions to its complications with it. True, the risks of becoming a nation of Zonkers is increased, but who will care about the consequences?

    Considering its proclivity to legalize addicting drugs, spend billions on union benefits that it does not generate through business productivity, protect and encourage the trafficking of illegal aliens, and elect elitist promise-everything bimbos such as Nancy Pelosi to Congress, perhaps it’s time that California was encouraged to split off from the Union and go its own way. Then again, remember the scene in The Ten Commandments when Moses comes down from the mountain and makes the people choose what side to be on before being sent straight to hell? The San Andreas fault may be fortuitously placed.

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  21. Missing large
    Eric S Fletcher Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Does the Master’s language indicate that Yoda smoked weed in his formative days as well?

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  22. 035
    napaeric  over 14 years ago

    Becoming obvious that the East Coast and the West Coast will become islands as the middle sinks into the very deep. I hope the intelligent people escape before the religious “right” sinks itself into obsolescence. Stupid is as stupid does “right”.

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  23. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  over 14 years ago

    I’ve driven Highway 1 between Monterey and Morro Bay, in the daytime (breathtaking vistas, a lovely coastline and forest) and at night (a white-knuckler of twisty turns, a surprise pucker at every turn - only because I had to be there the next day). Stay overnight at either end if you must, so the drive is in daylight.

    Prohibition didn’t work in the ’20s, corrupting the police, the courts, and the politicians. It hasn’t worked since, and has had the same effects. It’s way past time to put an end to it.

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