Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for February 29, 2016
Panel 1: "MR.ROSA! You're BACK!" "I am indeed! Hello, Nate!" Panel 2: "Oh, man! That was so freaky when we watched them put you in the ambulance!" Panel 3: "I mean, you're the LAST teacher I'd want to see wheeled out of school on a stretcher!" Panel 4: "The FIRST is Mrs. Godfrey, obviously. The second one would beeee..." "Let's stop there shall we?"
Tue Elung-Jensen almost 9 years ago
Good to see him back, and well.
Wilde Bill almost 9 years ago
Yeah, we can’t have coach John teaching art.
Dee Dee Holloway almost 9 years ago
Wow, I hadn’t notived he was gone :B
Dee Dee Holloway almost 9 years ago
Gee, i wonder what’d happen if Mrs Godfrey died…
FlashFan1234 almost 9 years ago
So, we’re moving off the party topic.
Mr Nobody almost 9 years ago
Thank goodness. That cow was milked to death.
teeian almost 9 years ago
I totally forgot that Mr. Rosa is out. I am still too into Nate not getting to go to Dee Dee’s party.
GOgamix almost 9 years ago
Mr.Rosa has been gone this long? Mrs. Shipulski said it would be only a week until Mr. Rosa returned
TKGaming World almost 9 years ago
Second would be coach john, third would me mr galvin, fourth would be mr staples; fifth is … Uh.., wait…
arunpannala2 almost 9 years ago
of course
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Agreed Mr. Rosa.
Lordcano almost 9 years ago
I know this is totally off topic but… I think Peirce should have Ruby (from the novel) instead of Trudy. Ruby, 6th grade, much prettier as well.
mawperson about 7 years ago
I think Nates order would be…1. Mrs Godfrey2. Coach John3. Mr. Galvin4. Principal Nichols5. Mr. Staples6. Ms. Clarke7. Mrs. Czerwicki8. Mrs. Shipulski9. Mr. Rosa (:
Hugh Janus about 7 years ago
leap day comic!
Miles morales over 5 years ago
Mr galvin
Comic Man X over 5 years ago
Yay Mr.Rosa is back!
RoskoFig25 about 5 years ago
Mr. Rosa probably only fainted because he was thinking of Nate coming back in the class.
ND Cool Z over 4 years ago
Hey guys! I decided to comment all the 2016 Big Nate strips (after Big Nate Blows the Roof Off, not including one-week reruns), from this comic to the final day of the year. I’ve already read all of them before but I don’t mind doing a second round. I’ll also have to sometimes pretend I didn’t read them before just to, y’know, not spoil anyone doing the same thing. OK, here we go…
sansdm over 3 years ago
ISTG Lincoln neeeeds to add an arc where Godfrey goes to hospital
Bring da bling over 3 years ago
Coach John?
GaspingCat over 1 year ago
How bout mr galvin having a broken leg