Drabble by Kevin Fagan for March 20, 2016
Norman: My laptop has only 3% charge left! Tappity tap tap tap Now it says there's only 2% left! Tap tap tappity tap tap! 1% left!! Where's my charger? Where's my charger? There it is!! No!! This is the phone charger!! Why do these things happen to me?? Patrick: Because you put the "pro" in "procrastinator."
Gerald Henley almost 9 years ago
I’d like to procrastinate but I keep putting it off.
cabalonrye almost 9 years ago
Phone charger works on tablets… unless you use the fruit product.
Ubintold almost 9 years ago
He should remember Teddy Roosevelt at San Juan hill: Charge !
Chris Kenworthy almost 9 years ago
I usually leave on the setting that auto-sleeps the device at 3% (or higher.) Saves me from myself. ;)
hippogriff almost 9 years ago
UbintoldTheodore (he hated “Teddy”) took part in the capture of Kettle Hill (he was second in command). San Juan was taken by black, regular army troops. By the time the Rough Riders got there, the regimental band had their instruments and was playing the RR march, “The Bear Went Over the Mountain”, to welcome them.