Red and Rover by Brian Basset for August 13, 2010
Rover, wanna see something really cool and fun to do?! Arf! First, find a stock of weed grass with a bulbous end that looks like this. Next, loop the stalk's stem underneath the bulbous part. Then, tighten the loop like a noose and slide it upwards. I call it the Green Guillotine.
The Duke 1 over 14 years ago
More like a green hangman’s noose!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Way to go, Red! Some people don’t have a clue!
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Took it’s head clean off. Well done.
gobblingup Premium Member over 14 years ago
I’m teaching my kids the lost “art” of manipulating weeds. They love it.
Yukoneric over 14 years ago
I am definitely going to try that on the next snake head I see.
autumnfire1957 over 14 years ago
Catapult or trebuchet. Guillotine just lobs of the head and they fall down.
pswhitlark over 14 years ago
Now that’s something “Green” that I can enjoy.
boldyuma over 14 years ago
I knew it all the time….
Rover is bi-lingual….”ARF” today…”SURE, RED” tomorrow..
KimberlyT over 14 years ago
hehe, fun stuff. I used to make chains out of the stems of Dandelions.