My Mom’s spaniel would follow her around the house relentlessly when we first got her. After a while, she got tired of the constant movement and started lying down in the doorway of whichever room Mom went into. Then, when Mom had to step over her, she would follow her to the next room and repeat.
Mix things up. If the parents don’t drop food, make sure you’re in a place where you can get to the food (or to other unguarded food) when they’re busy elsewhere.
bjy1293 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
blunebottle almost 9 years ago
My Mom’s spaniel would follow her around the house relentlessly when we first got her. After a while, she got tired of the constant movement and started lying down in the doorway of whichever room Mom went into. Then, when Mom had to step over her, she would follow her to the next room and repeat.
Ida No almost 9 years ago
Mix things up. If the parents don’t drop food, make sure you’re in a place where you can get to the food (or to other unguarded food) when they’re busy elsewhere.
Diat60 almost 9 years ago
One good thing about having dogs, there’s never crumbs on the floor!