FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for March 11, 2016

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 9 years ago

    Oh, Coach’ll tell you, Peter (perhaps after practice when it’s time to go home).

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    Bill The Nuke  almost 9 years ago

    So how is he supposed to improve his batting? Just like so many coaches, it’s not about the kids it’s all about winning.

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    USN1977  almost 9 years ago

    In the last strip the coach complained that Peter cannot play halfway decent baseball. Now he tells Peter to skip batting practice. Earth to coach, how are you supposed to improve your swing without batting practice? Peter’s problem is not his lack of effort, it is the coach. This coach is a lazy slob who expects a bunch of hotshots to sign up for his team so he can be top gun without making any leadership effort.

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    tygrkhat40  almost 9 years ago

    Obviously there aren’t enough hotshots signing up to play if Peter’s still on the team.

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    Plods with ...â„¢  almost 9 years ago

    If this was football he’d be the right end (of the bench), guard (the gatorade bucket) and tackle (anyone that comes near it).

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    patlaborvi  almost 9 years ago

    I don’t know that much about High School baseball teams, but I wonder if the team needs to have a minimum # of players to qualify in school leagues and it doesn’t matter if those team members actually play or just warm the bench. In Peter’s case he’s such a bad player that the coach will put in an injured player before he puts Peter in, because the injured player still does a better job than an uninjured Peter.

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    USN1977  almost 9 years ago

    There is no such thing as bad players, only bad coaches.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Its a dirty job, but someone has to keep the splinters from popping up.

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