Kliban's Cats by B. Kliban for March 10, 2016

  1. Avatar tmp 56884 thumb
    orinoco womble  almost 9 years ago

    On his way to becoming a fatcat.

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  2. Peam thumb
    Peam Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Or a plutocat.

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    deepstblu  almost 9 years ago

    This image is a punch line from the back side of a T-shirt; the cat appears with a female cat in similarly conservative dress. On the front of the shirt, they’re both dressed in orange and yellow hippie garb, and he’s asking “Any spare change?” If you don’t get it, you probably weren’t around for the ’60s and the ’80s.

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    WaitingMan  almost 9 years ago

    Market tips? Yeah. Cat food in aisle 8.

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  5. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  almost 9 years ago

    On the same theme as the t-shirt – a roommate of mine (a former hippy) was visited by his son who told him that The Revolution was coming. “Yeah, I used to think a revolution was coming.” “What changed your mind?”My roommate and I looked at each other, but I was the first to say “We bought stock.”

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