Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for February 28, 2016
Cobra Carson: You aren't going out to meet this new villain alone, are you? Rip Haywire: Cobra, do you even know me at all? Cobra Carson: Rip, you don't need to get involved in small-town gang affairs. You don't owe anyone here anything. Rip Haywire: I put on this badge just like my pants... neither comes off until I take a nap. Cobra Carson: You lost me at pants. Rip Haywire: Then zip it. My first week as Sheriff and I'm already driving to meet a villain. What a great job! Man, I wish villains would start wanting to meet closer to home! This truck gets terrible gas milleage! Whoa, big fella, don't make me write you a ticket. Ah, man, I just had this thing waxed! Man 1: Highwayman! We've brought you the new sheriff! Voice: Alive I hope... at least for now. Rip's life is about to change when his Dad, in a sudden fit of responsibility, assigns Rip his toughest mission yet: a historically all-girls summer camp. Will Rip learn how to get along with his feminine camp mates, most of whom have never even seen a flame thrower, let alone used one to fend off a pack of rabid hyenas? Can Rip solve the mysteries that surround the camp and one intriguing in particular? Readers will follow Rip's misadventures in his whimsically illustrated journal, helping him to solve puzzels and beat the bad guys, as he learns that friendship can be more valuable than ancient treasure, and more powerful than a well-placed land mine.
nboady about 9 years ago
I just finished the Kablammy book this week. Good stuff as always. The next edition of the book needs a change though: the comics on page 12 come after the comics on page 14. So the reading goes: pages 1-11, 13-14, 12, 15-end.
Dragoncat about 9 years ago
Love Cobra’s hair in Panel Four. She needs to get told off more often.
Dragoncat about 9 years ago
And the Dragoncat Award for Best LOL goes to……Bruno Zeigerts! Love it!
Lee Foggenoggin about 9 years ago
Once again, SCREAMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go Dan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!