Looks like Tom abandoned all hope and dropped the saw. Poor Tom.
Maybe he was afraid someone would use it one him, make some Tom steaks.
“I’m so sorry. I’ve lost my cookies.”
I’ll have a ham on rye…
Yeah, ’cause Scotty is the one being unreasonable.
Aren’t you glad they found you again, Tom?Funny, you don’t look happy…
Curtis Mathews almost 9 years ago
Looks like Tom abandoned all hope and dropped the saw. Poor Tom.
artheaded1 almost 9 years ago
Maybe he was afraid someone would use it one him, make some Tom steaks.
Coyoty Premium Member almost 9 years ago
“I’m so sorry. I’ve lost my cookies.”
ChessPirate almost 9 years ago
I’ll have a ham on rye…
Steven Wright almost 9 years ago
Yeah, ’cause Scotty is the one being unreasonable.
Ushindi almost 9 years ago
Aren’t you glad they found you again, Tom?Funny, you don’t look happy…