Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 25, 2016

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  almost 9 years ago

    Hey, Switzerland is right next door to France (can’t blame a girl for saving for an emergency).

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  2. Slaphappy
    FlapHappy  almost 9 years ago

    I could buy a lot of lottery tickets for 1.7 million. Then i’d have a shot at some REAL money.

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  3. Cane immagine animata 0071
    Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Lady Duvalier was a copy with Imelda Marcos : another frugal wife of an ex dictator

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  almost 9 years ago

    rainy day fund

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  5. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Interesting, it appears Haiti has improved at all since the 1980’s. Only thing that could help it is mandatory max child bearing of one, with large benefits for having no children. 30 years down the road hopefully the population will drop to proper levels for the land mass.

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  6. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  almost 9 years ago

    The REST of it? How much does she usually spend?

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  7. Missing large
    dutchs  almost 9 years ago

    One of the best things about Doonesbury, whether this or Uncle Duke, is the casual, offhand way villains own up to their villainy.

    A friend of ours, a nurse, goes on annual aid trips to Haiti. We donate $ but also give her some plastic bags with a washcloth and half a bar of soap to pass out. Why only half a bar? Because if we sent a whole bar, the aid workers would cut them in half to go further. It’s that poor.

    Cruise lines have private beaches in Haiti. I know the theory about providing jobs and money to the economy. It would still creep me out to know what was out there not far away.

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