Michael Ramirez for March 13, 2016

  1. Picture 1
    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member over 8 years ago

    One thing sure, if he is elected he will keep on making deals and will end up a multibillionaire if he doesn’t get impeached and arrested.

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  2. And you wonder why
    Kylop  over 8 years ago

    If you look back 4 years the Rs had a field of candidates, they debated and campaigned, Mitt was bashed in the right wing media, different candidates rose and fell, until it was down to Mitt and Rick Santorum. Rick pleaded with the country to not nominate Mitt because it would be awful…and then didn’t get nominated. Then the Rs gathered around their nominee and agreed that no matter how “not really a conservative” he was he was still better than Obama. I see that being their pattern from here on.

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  3. Coloradofiedcalifornia
    californicated1  over 8 years ago

    Before the current set of problems besetting the GOP were happening on the national stage, they were happening right here in California.It started with the Recall Election in 2003 to get rid of Governor Gray Davis.The GOP decided to let those candidates pay for their own campaigns and that the only thing the party leadership would do is verbally give them their support, but not much else.In the end, Arnold Schwarzeneggar became the GOP candidate but was paying for his own campaign out of his own pocket.Then came the contentious races between Carly Fiorina and Tom Campbell to replace US Senator Barbara Boxer, whose seat was up for re-election.Both Fiorina and Campbell had to pay for their own campaigns out of their pockets, once again the GOP only giving verbal support and not much else—and Fiorina turned out to have “deeper pockets” than Campbell, who dropped out of the race after being savaged by Fiorina’s campaign, who called him a “demon sheep” and a “RINO”, “Republican in Name Only”.Fiorina did not get elected and Boxer retained her seat.Fiorina eventually moved out to Virginia and tried to be a Presidential candidate for the 2016 election.At the same time Fiorina was making her run for Boxer’s seat, former eBay executive Meg Whitman tried running for Governor of California to replace the seat that Schwarzeneggar was leaving and like Fiorina, Whitman also never held public office.Whitman also funded her own gubernatorial campaign with the GOP party leadership only giving her verbal support after she emerged as the “front-runner”.She lost her election to Jerry Brown, who has been governor ever since.Using this business model in California, the GOP found that it could save its money and perhaps put it into races that it felt were more important, especially in states where they could easily win like Ohio, or even try to win in “battleground” states like Colorado if the odds were in the GOP candidate’s favor.Meanwhile it left the throwaway campaigns like in California to the folks who could finance their own campaigns, thus making it harder for the candidates to win in those elections, but at the same time these folks could also sever their ties to the party.The 2012 Presidential Election was the first election where the GOP candidate, Mitt Romney, financed his own campaign until he got the party’s nomination and afterwards, his campaign was still self-financed for the most part with the party just lending their name for support and nothing more—up until the nomination all the candidates campaigns were self-financed.Since that business model worked so well for the GOP on the national scale, they tried it again in 2016 and it showed that the wrong candidates were running for President, leaving the party’s options limited to who they would back, but at the same time, the party itself did not invest any money or effort in backing what they believed to be the right candidate for office, which at this point, only they know who that person is, while the wrong people, being self-financed, are what the party leadership believes to be the wrong candidates—and that is showing up at press events including the rallies and the debates as well as on the ballots at the primaries and caucuses.Looking at it from California, this is all just “history repeating itself”, but on a national scale.

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  4. 3 5 16 gravy
    Bob Murphy Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Nicely drawn. Good job.

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  5. Missing large
    penny83522  over 8 years ago

    That rino looks comatose. He should be pictured as stomping and snorting and jabbing his horn at those elephants.

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  6. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  over 8 years ago

    Trump is a violent psychopathic thiefand if he becomes the republican candidateRepublicans will support him 110%.

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  7. Img 20230721 103439220 hdr
    kaffekup   over 8 years ago

    I had to blow up the picture to realize the thing on the Rino’s head was a hairpiece. I’d hate to tell you what it looked like at first. Or maybe it is.

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  8. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 8 years ago

    It’s pretty evident that the Republican establishment fears Trump — and this cartoon and his others indicate that Ramirez is allied with them, if not actually working for them.

    But why?

    Because he’ll probably lose the election?Because he’s ‘not conservative enough’?Do they really believe he’ll reduce the supply of cheap foreign labor?He’ll reform the tax code to the detriment of the .01%?

    It’d be nice if Ramirez would provide specifics, but I know that’s too much to expect of Republicans.

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  9. Wtp
    superposition  over 8 years ago

    “Intellectual Dishonesty:The avoidance of an honest, deliberate and comprehensive approach to a matter.…Intellectual dishonesty is a failure to apply standards of rational evaluation that one is aware of, usually in a self-serving fashion.”Question: Can Intellectual Honesty exist in our current polarization?

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  10. Bouncing moonwalker
    Anweir88  over 8 years ago

    It’s just projection again. .Think about it… who’s more likely to be a paid shill, the political cartoonist making money through syndication in newspapers across the country, or the left wing commenter who compulsively posts inflammatory statements on every right-wing cartoon site every day, multiple times a day..If such a person is NOT being paid, then they are just sad.

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  11. Missing large
    DrDon1  over 8 years ago

    Amazing! The Conservative elephants begat a narcissistic RINO!

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  12. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 8 years ago

    If Trump is the front-runner – isn’t he the Elephant and the other two are the real RINOs?Or is it like Christianity where everyone thinks they are the real Republican and everyone else is a RINO?

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