Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for March 31, 2016
Adam: Tomorrow is April Fools' Day. I have to be vigilant. If I let my duard down for a minute, somebody'll try to prank me. Remember last year when Andre said he hit my car. Laura: That wasn't...he really did hit your car. Adam: Oh, I know. He really committed to that one.
Dani Rice almost 9 years ago
On our carport, at the end of a 200 foot drive – and my husband still managed to back into me!
Steven Wright almost 9 years ago
Not true, I love a good prank and as I taught my daughter when she was little if you’re going to dish it out then you must be willing to take it too.
Steven Wright almost 9 years ago
He could take Kate’s Ghost -B-Gone Spray and rename it Pranks Away, then he’d be safe.
QuietStorm27 almost 9 years ago
I love pranks and play them on my kids all the time. My son tried to get me today thinking I’d fall for it because it’s early.