I know that feeling!
Ain’t it always the way…. oh look, the plow truck is coming to fill in the end of the driveway.
http://www.jokeindex.com/joke.asp?Joke=3452 copy and paste .Not safe for GC content manager.
Back when smoking in offices and leaf burning was still allowed, the smoke was guaranteed to waft directly into my nostrils.
This is when you grab the flamethrower Dan.
And nicely done panels by the way!
ekw555 over 8 years ago
I know that feeling!
Plods with ...™ over 8 years ago
Ain’t it always the way…. oh look, the plow truck is coming to fill in the end of the driveway.
Plods with ...™ over 8 years ago
http://www.jokeindex.com/joke.asp?Joke=3452 copy and paste .Not safe for GC content manager.
ChessPirate over 8 years ago
Back when smoking in offices and leaf burning was still allowed, the smoke was guaranteed to waft directly into my nostrils.
Alan Steenhouwer over 8 years ago
This is when you grab the flamethrower Dan.
wellinever over 8 years ago
And nicely done panels by the way!