Red: Rover, Come! Rover, here boy, come! ROVERRRR COME! ROVERRR! Well, there you are. What on earth took you so long? No, don't answer that -chasing squirrels, no doubt.
I have a Light brown shih tzu that I loose quite frequently. She has a knack of hiding in plain sight…on the beige sofa, on the light brown rug, under my chair….There was one time, however, that was not in plain sight. We searched all over the house, under furniture, behind closed doors, outside on the lead…calling her name and squeaking toys to no avail. Not even a yip to let me know where she was. Then I remembered my son-in-law had been sitting in the recliner! Popped up the stool and there she was! How she didn’t get crushed is a wonder to me!
I actually had something like this happen with one of our dogs recently. In the past he’s been known to take off into the neighborhood if he got out, so when I couldn’t find him I assumed he’d done it again….turns out he was off sleeping in the back yard or something like that.
Catfeet Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Even if Rover told you, Red, you wouldn’t believe it!
Laynegg almost 9 years ago
I have a Light brown shih tzu that I loose quite frequently. She has a knack of hiding in plain sight…on the beige sofa, on the light brown rug, under my chair….There was one time, however, that was not in plain sight. We searched all over the house, under furniture, behind closed doors, outside on the lead…calling her name and squeaking toys to no avail. Not even a yip to let me know where she was. Then I remembered my son-in-law had been sitting in the recliner! Popped up the stool and there she was! How she didn’t get crushed is a wonder to me!
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Hee hee hee!
neverenoughgold almost 9 years ago
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I dod that to my mother once.…once…
AtypicalReader almost 9 years ago
I actually had something like this happen with one of our dogs recently. In the past he’s been known to take off into the neighborhood if he got out, so when I couldn’t find him I assumed he’d done it again….turns out he was off sleeping in the back yard or something like that.
Ermine Notyours almost 9 years ago
Reminds me of the Stephen Wright joke. “I have a dog named Stay. Come here, Stay. Come here! Stay!”
hippogriff almost 9 years ago
Ermine NotyoursBetter than Molly Ivins’ dog’s name, which would get me banned if I posted it. [sounds like Mooch (Mutts) command to sit]