Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Zach Weinersmith for March 23, 2016
My fantasies before studying physics. Captain! We're under attack! Fire a plasma burst, then evasive maneuvers while we ready the space-Marines. My fantasies after studying physics. Captain! We're under attack! The ship is shaped like an infinitely thin elliptical ring with an eccentricity of 0.271812, whose gravitatio- Aaah! Aaaaah! Aaaah!
emptc12 almost 9 years ago
How do people who know even a little physics stand watching the simple-minded technology as portrayed in early Star Trek episodes or Star Wars movies? I preferred stories, for instance, by Larry Niven, Robert L. Forward or Stephen Baxter that exercised my mind with fantastic yet plausible concepts. Some of the newer movies are getting there, but to some extent they still dumb things down.
Ida No almost 9 years ago
“Captain, we’re under attack! The enemy is a bunch of first-year physics majors who think they’re already at post-grad levels.”Captain: “Issue the crew with air tanks, then open all the airlocks.”
adristone94 almost 9 years ago
@emptc12 Because it was about the story, not the math or the physics.
emptc12 almost 9 years ago
You all probably have come across the following book:. of course several books by Mischio Kaku contain serious discussions of scientific concepts that appear in science fiction work..I’m willing to suspend belief for stories with “heart.” I’m especially a sucker for time travel stories, the first one I read having been DANGER: DINOSAURS. I just looked it up on-line, and there it is! Quite an accomplished author wrote it.
Coyoty Premium Member almost 9 years ago
It’s just science we haven’t really figured out yet. A lot of today’s science would have seemed like poor physics 50 years ago.