Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for August 20, 2010
Kids: There he is! Andre! Over here! Can you describe the playdate for us? Alice: I've prepared this artist's interpretation of the Andre-Petey playdate, which I hope you'll find useful. Kevin: It looks nothing like them. Alice: I know. I couldn't draw Petey's head, so I drew a fish-slapping bear!
Sisyphos over 14 years ago
Well, close enough for the press, I’d say (although, in truth, it doesn’t even look like a fish-slapping bear to me).
Hillbillyman over 14 years ago
Actually it looks a bit like Willie Nelson.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
It looks like nothing I’ve ever seen before.
SCOTTtheBADGER over 14 years ago
I am glad Andre didn’t have to do a Perp Walk.
cdward over 14 years ago
Andre’s loving the celebrity of it all. I’d say he’s going to be coming over again soon. I can’t wait to see what they’ll do with Loris!
dante.deangelo over 14 years ago
this is a very enjoyable comic
Steve Parmelee Premium Member over 14 years ago
Huh. From that angle, and in that circumstance … Andre is looking a bit like Rod Blagojevich!
kjs9 over 14 years ago
Hilarious - I also immediately thought of Blagojevich.
MisterFweem over 14 years ago
Once again Alice finds a way to divert some of the attention to her. She’s SO ready for DC.
lazygrazer over 14 years ago
Yeah, I can see the Blagojevich look. And that fish-slapping bear looks alot like Smokey.
bossyheifer over 14 years ago
I knew Alice would never give up on her dreams of a fish-slapping bear! I agree, I think Petey and Andre should draw their own renditions of the playdate although I’m sure Petey’s would entail two stick figures not moving and Andre’s would feature noisy words. :)
bald over 14 years ago
with this arc alice can look forward to a job in telecommunications
margueritem over 14 years ago
This arc is wonderful.
ellisaana Premium Member over 14 years ago
Mister Fweem said, about 7 hours ago
“Once again Alice finds a way to divert some of the attention to her. She’s SO ready for DC.”
I think she is already there. Richard Thompson is from Arlington VA. The whole county is “inside the Beltway”. The county was formed by the piece of Washington DC which was taken back when VA succeeded during the Civil War.
So, as close as Alice is to DC, it probably rubs off.
ellisaana Premium Member over 14 years ago
Just got off the phone with my brother. He is on his way to a fishing trip in Alaska. He offered to send me a postcard.
So..I asked for a pix of a fish-slapping bear.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
I’d rather see a bear-slapping fish.
MisterFweem over 14 years ago
@ellisaana I know!
NJ Lyon almost 13 years ago
Alice, how are you not able to draw Petey’s head? Just draw a lightbulb, and then add a face!
robert423elliott about 3 years ago
You’d think it was a presidential press briefing. You guys threw me with Blagojevich, but then I remembered that it was written in 2011 not 2022. But, your governor is out of jail now. A democrat that got his sentence commuted by President Trump. That cut 6 years off of a 14 year sentence!