La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for April 16, 2016
Bug Blog by Cuco Rocha Yo No Quiero Yoga Concerned Georgia parents of kids taking yoga classes get the greeting 'Namaste' banned from school because they think Yoga is an evil Eastern religion. Thinking that "Namaste" is bad is much like yoga- quite a stretch.
Tue Elung-Jensen almost 9 years ago
SJW and overprotective parents have got to be golden for cartoonists and comedians.
SiteeSatee Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Dude… “I bow to the god/divine in you” is pretty transparently religious. So mandatory religion in public schools is great as long as it’s not Christian, eh?
NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 9 years ago
People like that think Harry Potter is a real person and that magic is real too, so I’m not surprised.
StellaMaris almost 9 years ago
@csward: Indian Hindus might be very surprised that Namaste does NOT mean “I bow to the divine in you”. Maybe Christians use it in the narrower sense. Which HIndu would bow to another person, if it was not because of the divine in that person? Christians say that they believe in resurrection, but many of them live as if they don’t believe in it. That may be the reason to use Namaste in another sense. But even Christians should not bow to other human beings, but only to God.
nailer Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Then why would that parents accept their kids taking the class in ther first place?
VickiP123 almost 9 years ago
exercise is exercise and the kids don’t get nearly enough — Namaste to all
agrestic almost 9 years ago
Keep in mind that this whole thing is because parents in Georgia are objecting to something they see as non-Christian. It’s the “religious liberty” folks once again exposing their real agenda—"rights for us Christians, but not for anyone else!"
glynis37 almost 9 years ago
“rights for us Christians, but not for anyone else!”
The best part is that they can’t see anything wrong with that statement.
BlueIris Premium Member almost 9 years ago
(sigh!) It took me 10 years to convince my religious father that my yoga exercise class was just an exercise class and not an attempt to convert me.