Reminds me of the contemporary commercials for various prescription meds ("Ask your doctor . . . ") that rattle off a list of possible side effects that are worse than the disease.
well it’s the eye wash that’ll cause the problem…"If swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away. For use in the eyes only. "
My favorite is: “Take a mouthfull of water, and sit on the stove ’til it boils.” Cures what ails ya.
“Paregoric, or …, is a medication known for its antidiarrheal, antitussive, and analgesic properties.”‘However, Paregoric was characterized as “a needlessly complex pharmacopeial mixture… of a former day” by a 1966 study.2’
Just one more thing over 8 years ago
jppjr over 8 years ago
With friends like Jeff….who needs enemies?
Sherlock Watson over 8 years ago
I would only take a paregoric if one goric wasn’t strong enough.
Number Three over 8 years ago
I’d rather get a headache.
Classic strip!
brklnbern over 8 years ago
Interesting. Never heard of paregoric before, but it is something that must have been familiar to audiences of the day.
paullp Premium Member over 8 years ago
Reminds me of the contemporary commercials for various prescription meds ("Ask your doctor . . . ") that rattle off a list of possible side effects that are worse than the disease.
I Go Pogo over 8 years ago
well it’s the eye wash that’ll cause the problem…"If swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away. For use in the eyes only. "
Enguneer Premium Member over 8 years ago
My favorite is: “Take a mouthfull of water, and sit on the stove ’til it boils.” Cures what ails ya.
“Paregoric, or …, is a medication known for its antidiarrheal, antitussive, and analgesic properties.”‘However, Paregoric was characterized as “a needlessly complex pharmacopeial mixture… of a former day” by a 1966 study.2’