Peanuts Begins by Charles Schulz for April 09, 2017

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 8 years ago

    Riiiiiight… as if butter has flavor. (Looked more kind of like a butter taco.)

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  2. Wap2p5uq normal
    Lee Cox  almost 8 years ago

    Actually, she’s right. The same thing holds true for peanut butter. When I was a kid, that was my favorite way to eat peanut-butter sandwiches — one slice of bread, folded over.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  almost 8 years ago

    It is best to start your psychopathology early so it can become mature when you are older.

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  4. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  almost 8 years ago

    Schulz recycled this idea, first used here:

    I’ve seen other examples which used similar ideas, but this is the only time I know that the artist re-drew the same comic out of whole cloth. Did he forget? Was he behind on deadline? Writer’s block that day? We’ll never know.

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    gammaguy  almost 8 years ago

    Belief in “alternative facts” begins at an early age.

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    cubswin2016  almost 8 years ago

    Charlie Brown needs to learn how to tell people to go jump in the lake.

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  7. Bignate
    Professor W  almost 8 years ago

    Butter is like a magnet. Cut the butter, and every piece is butter

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