Last year while on a school trip I was passing through Heathrow Airport where a beautiful Porsche Carrera was on display. As I was looking it over the salesman approached and offered assistance. I asked, “Will you take a check from my bank in Nigeria?”… I wish you could have seen the look on his face…he melted….“Oh Yes!” I could hardly keep a straight face as he assured me he would gladly take my check. My wife and I had a good laugh over that. The guy just didn’t get it.
I just do not understand how people fall for this (and several other similar) scam.The recent one where someone claiming to be from the IRS saying you owe money and they are going to take out a warrant if you don’t pay immediately. The IRS doesn’t do it that way….yet. They are going to contract collection agencies that will work that way. No wonder we need to get rid of the IRS.
BE THIS GUY almost 9 years ago
“…and he has $25 million he wants to share with me.”
Egrayjames almost 9 years ago
Last year while on a school trip I was passing through Heathrow Airport where a beautiful Porsche Carrera was on display. As I was looking it over the salesman approached and offered assistance. I asked, “Will you take a check from my bank in Nigeria?”… I wish you could have seen the look on his face…he melted….“Oh Yes!” I could hardly keep a straight face as he assured me he would gladly take my check. My wife and I had a good laugh over that. The guy just didn’t get it.
whiteheron almost 9 years ago
I just do not understand how people fall for this (and several other similar) scam.The recent one where someone claiming to be from the IRS saying you owe money and they are going to take out a warrant if you don’t pay immediately. The IRS doesn’t do it that way….yet. They are going to contract collection agencies that will work that way. No wonder we need to get rid of the IRS.
Perkycat almost 9 years ago
Or the one where you didn’t report for jury duty and will be be arrested and taken away in handcuffs if you don’t immediately pay the fine.
neverenoughgold almost 9 years ago
There were more satellite dishes in Chanhassen, Minnesota yesterday than in New Your City…
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Aw man!