Cathy: Cathy, he's hurt you too many times! Next time he calls, just bite your tongue and give him your answer!! YETH!
How rude! Cathy is a wonderful comic! The world was better for 34 years of her! So apparently the world disagrees with you!
evil begins
the only comic that cathy is skinny
In this comic Cathy looks like Jeri from “PreTeena”.
Everything the Barbie movie had to say about women was said first in this strip decades ago. I’m still waiting for “The Complete Cathy.”
I love Cathy and I always will. She’s a classic. She came of age when women were struggling with so many issues. Long live Cathy!
Cathy Commiserations
Cathy Guisewite
November 22, 2021
peacemsw almost 6 years ago
How rude! Cathy is a wonderful comic! The world was better for 34 years of her! So apparently the world disagrees with you!
dangerwillrobinson7667 over 4 years ago
evil begins
cs2854900 over 4 years ago
the only comic that cathy is skinny
edreajr about 4 years ago
In this comic Cathy looks like Jeri from “PreTeena”.
hanschristianbrando over 1 year ago
Everything the Barbie movie had to say about women was said first in this strip decades ago. I’m still waiting for “The Complete Cathy.”
eladee AKA Wally 4 months ago
I love Cathy and I always will. She’s a classic. She came of age when women were struggling with so many issues. Long live Cathy!