works for me
My favorite comic!
Why does he worry? He’s acting like being a wife swapping atheist is a bad thing.
…unless, of course, he has the ugliest wife around. It might reflect badly on him if no one wants to swap for her. 8^)
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Berkeley Breathed
Sisu60 about 7 years ago
works for me
But Everyone Knows Her as Nancy about 7 years ago
My favorite comic!
sml7291 Premium Member about 7 years ago
Why does he worry? He’s acting like being a wife swapping atheist is a bad thing.
…unless, of course, he has the ugliest wife around. It might reflect badly on him if no one wants to swap for her. 8^)
Sillyfacetoo about 7 years ago
LOVE the bonus below
Sisyphos about 7 years ago
All the news that’s fit to snooze….