You don’t get much of a hidden reserve of good taste in a pick-up bar. I had an acquaintance who, on being turned down for a dance (or even conversation), would always reply “Then I guess [redacted sexual act] is out of the question.”
Tracey Morgan said on Seth Myers’ show that he was so stricken by the beauty of the girl he eventually married that his first words to her were, “I’m going to get you pregnant!”
Enter.Name.Here about 6 years ago
Deep thought, not deep end of the cesspool.
Sisu60 about 6 years ago
a little rough around the edges , but means well
Plumbob Wilson about 6 years ago
You don’t get much of a hidden reserve of good taste in a pick-up bar. I had an acquaintance who, on being turned down for a dance (or even conversation), would always reply “Then I guess [redacted sexual act] is out of the question.”
sfletch1 about 6 years ago
Tracey Morgan said on Seth Myers’ show that he was so stricken by the beauty of the girl he eventually married that his first words to her were, “I’m going to get you pregnant!”
Holden Awn about 6 years ago
Poor taste, but a legitimate question.
Sisyphos about 6 years ago
Steve Dallas is the smoothest total jerk in town!