NOTICE: The Management regrets to inform you that Julio Iglesias was NOT actually in the house tonight. Please do not send nasty letters castigating us.
I’m impressed that Steve can sing in Spanish. (I tried to google the lyrics – not for translation but just for identification – but couldn’t find them – is this a real song?)
Surely they all could have heard his “singing” an known what that meant for the agua caliente supply. Time for an “on demand” water heater: heats the water as you need it and the water leaving is hot for as long as it is on.
rekam Premium Member about 4 years ago
Steve apparently used up all the hot water. According to Opus anyway.
TampaFanatic1 about 4 years ago
Someone should have flushed the toilet to make Steve’s agua extra caliente!
VictoryRider about 4 years ago
Buenos noches? No no no… I want some buenos nachos!
theotherther1 about 4 years ago
I hope those minors stayed behind the door and didn’t see any of Steve’s “performance.”
Bob Blumenfeld about 4 years ago
Opus’ erudition never ceases to amaze me.
Indianapolis Smith about 4 years ago
NOTICE: The Management regrets to inform you that Julio Iglesias was NOT actually in the house tonight. Please do not send nasty letters castigating us.
Diat60 about 4 years ago
I’m just impressed that Steve could be bothered to do anything so mundane as singing in the shower.
Thinkingblade about 4 years ago
Opus is a penguin! How hot does he need the water anyway?
kauri44 about 4 years ago
I’m impressed that Steve can sing in Spanish. (I tried to google the lyrics – not for translation but just for identification – but couldn’t find them – is this a real song?)
ron about 4 years ago
Surely they all could have heard his “singing” an known what that meant for the agua caliente supply. Time for an “on demand” water heater: heats the water as you need it and the water leaving is hot for as long as it is on.
Sisyphos about 4 years ago
Steve-o, singing in the shower, in Spanish no less, with great self-appreciation, uses up all the Bloom County Boarding House’s hot water.
Tough shared living, neighbors….