I remember reading this strip back in 1988 (I think) and saying to myself, “I am glad I have a full head of hair and do not have to worry about that.” Ah the folly of youth. By the time I was thirty I was already shaving my head to cover up the MPB. Now I just sit back and reflect how much money I was wasting at the barber shop.
The dude from FL Premium Member about 7 hours ago
Hair that smells of cat pee
KC135E/R BOOMER about 6 hours ago
I remember reading this strip back in 1988 (I think) and saying to myself, “I am glad I have a full head of hair and do not have to worry about that.” Ah the folly of youth. By the time I was thirty I was already shaving my head to cover up the MPB. Now I just sit back and reflect how much money I was wasting at the barber shop.
toondel5 Premium Member about 2 hours ago
- And thus was Rogaine discovered: an anti-hypertensive with the side-effect of hair growth. For some, thus, an aphrodisiac.
Another potential treatment for hypertension and angina pectoris had a slightly different side-effect, and thus was born Viagra.
Ain’t science great?
bobtoledo Premium Member about 1 hour ago
I was really impressed with the speedy results!