Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for August 27, 2010
Man: Petey Otterloop, please step forward for the Ceremonial Stapling of your comic book. I hereby staple your comic "The Incredible Adventures of --" Voice: YAGH! There's a BEE in here! RUN! LOOK OUT! Man: Last one out please turn off the lights. Girl: BYE!
margueritem over 14 years ago
Oh no, Petey didn’t get the full ceremony.
leakysqueaky712 over 14 years ago
Loris is making a “beeline” out of there.
lazygrazer over 14 years ago
Only two staples out of three… Story of Petey’s life.
Scio over 14 years ago
Petey is always the life of the party.
overeasy123 over 14 years ago
I really like the 1st panel. Character, hat, linework, shirt, moustache, eyes. Perfect posture, too. Sheesh.
Sisyphos over 14 years ago
Who’s the alarmist that shouted “bee” right in the middle of Petey’s Golden Moment? –It seems loud enough to have been Andre, though (but of course) Loris is first out the door, in which the others are stuck….
Sisyphos over 14 years ago
Have to comment again: just read the blog. I can remember Jean Shepherd–he was really a great raconteur-, and I now know that I was right in not asking for the rest of Petey’s title, since Richard himself doesn’t know it.
BTW: if I may make a suggestion, I think a much more prominent display for the blog link would be a Good Thing.
MisterFweem over 14 years ago
I dunno. “The Incredible Adventures of YAGH! There’s a Bee in Here” has kind of a Peteyesque ring to it. The characters probably go on and on about the “hive mind,” too.
paha_siga over 14 years ago
Now I want to read a comic book titled “The Incredible Adventures of YAGH! There’s a Bee in Here!”. :( Where could I get it??
Constantinepaleologos over 14 years ago
Hey, she’s got two eyes!
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Petey will undoubtedly be turning out the lights.
MisterFweem over 14 years ago
And of course Ollie Hopnoodle’s Haven of Bliss is on YouTube. Here’s Part I. (see the blog entry on today’s comic if you don’t understand)
fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago
A bee? Who’s afraid of stinkin’ bees?
(Now if it were a wasp, I’d have trampled Loris on my way out the door.)
billdi Premium Member over 14 years ago
so loris is the fastest talker and the fastest runner. the sustained excellence of this arc is fantastic.
bossyheifer over 14 years ago
fritz - I’m with you!!! Andre must have yelled cuz remember Loris talks so fast they can’t hear her so they wouldn’t have moved if she had yelled “Bee!” Poor Petey, will always carry the scars of an incomplete stapling at Cartoon Camp…
idahogrl over 14 years ago
I like petey’s helmet in the second panel
keechum over 14 years ago
Cartooning is like any other job: you seldom get any respect. Just remember though, you made at least one person (me) smile. And, that should make it all worthwhile. Thanks
Me_Again over 14 years ago
Loris is ALWAYS first out the door.
Married2Merry over 12 years ago
Petey’s second panel face is brilliant.