I just did some nosing around the internet looking up Anansi and found some very interesting things. Anansi in several African languages means spider. When enslaved Africans came to America they brought their beliefs with them. Anansi became “Aunt Nancy” in gullah, a African related language spoken in remote parts of South Carolina. Pretty neat.
stpatme about 16 years ago
Poor Sterling!
Radical-Knight about 16 years ago
Spidey to the Rescue!
Edcole1961 about 16 years ago
Shouldn’t this have been Karma’s job?
Durak Premium Member about 16 years ago
Help from an unexpected source!
I just did some nosing around the internet looking up Anansi and found some very interesting things. Anansi in several African languages means spider. When enslaved Africans came to America they brought their beliefs with them. Anansi became “Aunt Nancy” in gullah, a African related language spoken in remote parts of South Carolina. Pretty neat.