For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for June 14, 2016

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 8 years ago

    One aunt was planning to be at my brother’s wedding last month, but she got injured. A cousin through another aunt was also planning to be at the reception thereof, but she fell ill. These two relatives in question are on my (as well as brother’s) side of the family.

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    nailer Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Practice makes perfect, you’ll get it right the next time, or the one after that.

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    Cincoflex  over 8 years ago

    does she have a mole on each cheek?

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    Keep on keepin' on  over 8 years ago

    When I married my ex, I wanted desperately to elope but He insisted on a “small” wedding. And we did keep it (relatively) small. Looking back, though, that was probably a great big warning bell that his was a head less than tightly screwed on!;-)

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    loner34  over 8 years ago

    There is WAY too much truth in that!Many young women aren’t ready for marriage but they are in a hurry for that DREAM WEDDING.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago

    We had a small wedding we financed ourselves but my dad asked a state supreme court justice he knew to officiate. The man turned up dressed to the nines and drunk as a skunk. After the paperwork was done he began our service early, so our wedding ended five minutes before it was due to begin. If we had not happily kissed a second time after the first, one couple would have missed everything. Thirty-six years later it still gives us a laugh!

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    JanLC  over 8 years ago

    We didn’t exactly elope, but our wedding was exactly 6 people. Us, my folks and the minister & his wife. It was at a big church that had been decorated for a wedding that afternoon, so we didn’t even have to decorate the church. The reception was us and my mom at a restaurant (because Dad had to go on to work).

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    HJBoehm  over 8 years ago

    My husband and I agreed on a small wedding just to find out that the Russian version of a small wedding meant about 120 guests. In the end, I found great truth in the saying “more the merrier”

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    rekam  over 8 years ago

    Had a fairly small wedding (40 guests) with a dinner at a supper club. That was Christmas, 1955 and we made it to nearly 55 years when I lost him to metastatic melanoma.

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    kab2rb  over 8 years ago

    My own dad wanted soon hubby and I to elope said he pay for a washing machine and dryer. We did not. My parent’s had very small wedding with then Justice of the Peace.

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    hippogriff  over 8 years ago

    comicsssfanOr the nation of the same name.

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    Guilty Bystander  over 8 years ago

    I promised I wouldn’t bring up my wedding again…

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