Since the flag is still standing, this must be the Apollo 17 site, the one where they planted the flag far enough away to avoid being knocked down during the liftoff. (They showed the liftoff live by video, and did not want the flag to fall on camera.)
The “wind”, of course, was the exhaust from the LEM’s upper stage. The flag couldn’t even stand extended without some internal help. I remember watching one of those flags being extended by one of the astronauts.
Hey, O-Dor, that “junk” alone adds millions of dollars to the property value, even leaving aside the price you could get for it on e-Bay Interstellar. And have you heard about the mineral rights lately?
margueritem over 14 years ago
The big slobs!
luezer over 14 years ago
Some of that stuff might be collectible.
ARF2 over 14 years ago
Since the flag is still standing, this must be the Apollo 17 site, the one where they planted the flag far enough away to avoid being knocked down during the liftoff. (They showed the liftoff live by video, and did not want the flag to fall on camera.)
zero over 14 years ago
Is there still a sand trap on the 17th hole?
lewisbower over 14 years ago
Watch out for orbiting golf balls
For you “the moon landing was a hoax” conspiracy nuts, why is the flag flapping in the wind?
LEopardGEcko over 14 years ago
Take nothing but pictures, Leave nothing but footprints. (And some satellites…and a flag.)
Rakkav over 14 years ago
The “wind”, of course, was the exhaust from the LEM’s upper stage. The flag couldn’t even stand extended without some internal help. I remember watching one of those flags being extended by one of the astronauts.
Hey, O-Dor, that “junk” alone adds millions of dollars to the property value, even leaving aside the price you could get for it on e-Bay Interstellar. And have you heard about the mineral rights lately?
Sandfan over 14 years ago
That buggy in the background whose name I can’t remember [Lunar Rover?] should be up on blocks.
Rakkav over 14 years ago
Lunar Rover, yes, but who would steal the tires? It’s not as if anyone else makes them, so how could the tires be fenced?
(of course, just asking the question raises all kinds of crazy possibilities…)
Packratjohn Premium Member over 14 years ago
They’d sell well on ebay….
Nelly55 over 14 years ago
^ right you are!
ol Newton, he really had a knack for “things in motion”
Varnes over 14 years ago
Lewreader, good advice! Wouldn’t it be a hoot if the next guy up there stepped off the lander and got smacked by that golf ball?
Sherlock Watson over 14 years ago
Sock Puppet Alien, reading the plaque: “Who is ‘Richard Nixon,’ and why didn’t he clean up after himself?”
pschearer Premium Member over 14 years ago
Does this mean we don’t get a refund on our security deposit?