The real irony is that these signs are meant to alert car drivers to the fact that they need to be on the lookout for bicyclists and share the road. But the signs don’t work that way, either, since most of the places that bicyclists are supposed to be riding are in the blind spot of car drivers…
That helmet, Horace uses, does not give much shelter for his huge snout. Though his huge snout gives some shelter from forward to his questionable sized brain (sometimes he’s rather smart and sometimes acts like a crash test dummy.)
Tigressy over 8 years ago
Similar signs here.Nice paneling!
Watch the new movie: “Free Bikey!”
DamnHappyChappy over 8 years ago
I wish I could do more “Thinking Outside The Box” or square in this case. Nice one Samson.
Apekool over 8 years ago
If you love it, set it free
Sherlock Watson over 8 years ago
Around here, riderless bikes would actually be an improvement; they’d be free of their biggest handicap.
Cerabooge over 8 years ago
Wonder what he would have done if he’d been riding a recumbent.
Argythree over 8 years ago
The real irony is that these signs are meant to alert car drivers to the fact that they need to be on the lookout for bicyclists and share the road. But the signs don’t work that way, either, since most of the places that bicyclists are supposed to be riding are in the blind spot of car drivers…
BlueFin Premium Member over 8 years ago
That helmet, Horace uses, does not give much shelter for his huge snout. Though his huge snout gives some shelter from forward to his questionable sized brain (sometimes he’s rather smart and sometimes acts like a crash test dummy.)
J Short over 8 years ago
By cycle.
thetraveller4 over 5 years ago
Now the bike goes looking for Calvin…