Working Daze by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for May 10, 2016

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    comixluver  almost 9 years ago

    Heck I’d vote for Rita. I think a LOT of others would too. She could always start a GoFundMe….

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    Flash Gordon  almost 9 years ago

    Rita is only a step above sara palin. I would prefer Bernie Sanders but I will vote for Hilary if she is on the November ballot.

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    Great Wizard Nala  almost 9 years ago

    Limited government went the way of the DOODOO bird Before I was born!!

    P.S. I’m 71 years young!

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    ChrisV  almost 9 years ago

    Suddenly a third party looks pretty good right about now… almost as good as Carolina’s booty!

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    jdunham  almost 9 years ago

    We live in interesting times.

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    mgrossberg  almost 9 years ago

    Okay, Ken, let’s try some new concepts. 1. Two words put together can form a different meaning. (i.e.- Democratic Socialism) 2. “Representative Republic” means voting for someone who represents your political views. Nowhere in the Constitution is it specified what those politcal views must be.It’s a good thing to read the Constitution. Why not try reading whole sentences this time?

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    johnzakour Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Trump may not be worth as much as he claims but he certainly appears to be richer than a good 99% of the population.

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    Hartbreaker  almost 9 years ago

    Unless he is only speaking about Cash reserves. Few rich people do have a lot, that is a “socialist myth”. The “tax the rich crowd” act like if the government does not takes money from the rich, it will not get spent and thereby “stimulate the economy” but rich people do not keep cash around and hold on to it. They invest it if they don’t have an immediate desire to spend it. They do not sit on it. Money is an asset to them that can be used to gain more assets. It is not something to put in a safe and swim around in it.

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    hi there  almost 9 years ago

    good to have money, but money doesn’t make you good….

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    bob.2119  almost 9 years ago

    Ah——-the red dress—-|

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    Ken in Ohio  almost 9 years ago

    Some of you folks must think you are very clever with your comments today, but there is a HUGE difference between things like police departments, fire departments, schools, etc on the one hand, and a socialism agenda of redistributing wealth by government fiat.Government should do for the people, with the peoples’ knowledge and input, those things the people cannot realistically do for themselves. We could have legitimate, sincere and thoughtful debate about just how far that line of thinking can go before it crosses the line set out in the Constitution. I am much more concerned about the way the Separation of Powers have been trampled in our lifetime, because the Founding Fathers were very wise when they were so careful to create that system. They knew from bitter experience what could happen if one branch of government got too powerful.

    When the President pulls a pen from his pocket in front of Congress during his State of the Union message, as Obama did two years ago, and says, in effect, “It doesn’t matter if you agree with me, because I’ve got my pen, and I will just do what I want to do by Executive Order,” and the Congress as a body rolls over and takes that kind of talk, we are in danger of losing the precious freedoms we enjoy in this country! Likewise, when the courts continue to create law from the bench, instead of interpreting the existing laws, we are in danger of getting out of balance.I appreciate the freedoms we have here. Let’s not lose them because we weren’t careful to think things through.

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    ekke  almost 9 years ago

    My new bumper sticker I’m having made up for me:


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