FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for October 04, 2010
Coach: Fox, maybe we oughta try you out on defense for a while. Peter: Because I look like a guy who can really stick a tackle? Coach: No... Peter: Because I look likea guy who can run back an interception? Coach: No... Peter: Flush out the quarterback? Coach: No... Peter: Strip the ball? Coach? That wasn't what I was thinking. Peter: Why try me at defense, then? Coach: Because you're really lousy at offense. Peter: Say, did they ever find out whose car I hit with pass?
twj0729 over 14 years ago
I dunno, if I was as bad at football as Peter, I don’t think I would go out for football! First of all the coach wouldn’t have to say anything, your teammates would make sure you would quit!
lewisbower over 14 years ago
Twice as much Spam as comment. Every see those Brides magazines hopeful lasses read?
T_Lexi over 14 years ago
Lewreader, Yes, indeed, this is nearly Bride mag bad. I’ve been flagging like a banshee in between comic smiles. (Wait…banshees can flag?)
paha_siga over 14 years ago
But maybe he can learn…?
josh_bisbee over 14 years ago
He’s got all the markings of a young Ryan Leaf.
ajr1814 over 14 years ago
At least he didn’t hit a golf ball through the moonroof of a guy on the freeway!