Gertie probably knows that she and Walt could not fight them, so she has probably already called the police. At least I hope she has. Even if she didn’t, where are they going to sell that thing? Everyone in town knows it’s Walt’s prize. Someone will turn them in.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 8 years ago
Does those three even share a brain?
elgancho38 over 8 years ago
What brain?
newyorkslim over 8 years ago
jest become a lawyer
stuart over 8 years ago
Run for office.
Sue G over 8 years ago
Gertie probably knows that she and Walt could not fight them, so she has probably already called the police. At least I hope she has. Even if she didn’t, where are they going to sell that thing? Everyone in town knows it’s Walt’s prize. Someone will turn them in.