Ballard Street by Jerry Van Amerongen for June 10, 2016

  1. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Mr. Perry is in retail, so he’s used to the ol’ bait and switch.

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 8 years ago

    I don’t know, Mr, Perry was always a spontanious kind of guy, but lately…….last week he decided to go to the Gas n Go for a shrimp salad right in the middle of his Saturday Night bath. The Sheriff was called and everything.Today, he is supposed to be on a sales call. Those widgets won’t sell themselves you know.

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  3. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  over 8 years ago

    Using a pencil for a lure? Maybe a bookkeeper fish will bite.

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  4. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Well….It’s dangerous to eat the shrimp salad at the Gas ‘N Go, (Always, but especially from about 10pm till after the next day’s lunch.By then yesterday’s dinner batch should be all gone from the salad bar.)

    But really… I didn’t know it was illegal.

    I can tell you, though, that scooping up fish with a briefcase, without proper equipment or a license, just loading them up that way, from a public fishing pond…and one that’s been stocked at taxpayer expense by the department of fish and board games….Now that is illegal.In fact, it’s an open-and-shut case.

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  5. Animals
    diesel turtle  over 8 years ago

    teach a man to fish like this and he wont eat for days

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  6. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 8 years ago

    Mr. Perry can’t carp because he didn’t catch anything. Floundering around in a boat just for the halibut and using a briefcase, strikes me as very fishy !

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    dgmiller  over 8 years ago

    There are lots of amusing comments all over today! Everyone, keep it up!

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Is anyone else seeing certain words in the posters postings that are in blue and underlined?My computer is acting mighty funny lately.

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  9. Cat29
    x_Tech  over 8 years ago

    @RoseDidn’t you have your eyes checked recently?

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  10. Cat29
    x_Tech  over 8 years ago

    @DennisBy creating a fake link using the anchor tag.You type: <a>Some text</a> We read: Some textUnderlining is done with the Insert tag <ins></ins> or using the short cut key “+”.

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  11. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Rose….Are you talking about the small line of text, usually something about image hosting, underneath a too small image that occurs in some people’s picture posts?

    If so… that’s a link to PostImage, a hosting site that some people use, or are being encouraged to use,

    I’ve been meaning to talk about that, but what with the election and all, too tired for the last few days to address it….

    Unfortunately, I’ve had problems with PostImage…it sometimes doesn’t properly display images, and it can be regionally affected…which is why I had to take down a birthday cake once, in mid-party, and place it on another host.

    And it’s a completely unnecessary step for putting images in the forum, if they already have perfectly good URLs.

    If they’re on your own computer, like pictures you’ve taken with your camera, or ones you’ve created or altered, or received in an e-mail…

    then yes… you need someplace that will store them and give you a URL to post them….but, you don’t need to waste space at PostImage or any other hosting site to store pictures that are already on the web..

    It also requires you to save images to your computer, even if you don’t particularly want to keep them, just so you can upload them to their servers.

    Even if you do want to save them… you can do that… but still post them where they lie.

    There is no guarantee that PostImage or ANY hosting site will be around any longer than the site where you found the picture, so there’s no point in thinking one URL will be safer than the other.I used to use a perfect hosting site… uploaded dozens or hundreds of images that I had created.I saved and re-used the same URLs to re-post some of them for several years…But a year or so ago it disappeared.All my forum image posts from those times now display error codes….but I still have the images on my computer, and can upload them elsewhere if I want to use them again..The same thing could happen to PostImage. .

    It’s very very simple to right click a picture and click “copy image address” or “copy image location” …if your browser doesn’t offer that,you can click “view image” to put it onto a separate page, click in the address bar, and click “copy”.

    Then past it into the standard image posting code, replacing the letters URL, staying inside the quotation marks with the real URL<img src="URL" width="350">

    Leave the spaces and quotation marks just as shown. The number, which you can change if need be, tells the computer how wide to post the image in pixels.

    350 pixels happens to be about the width of the columns here on GoComics.Of course you can post smaller… much bigger is annoying, and upsets the overlords.

    If the picture is already smaller, or a good size, leave the last quotes empty, with no space.

    <img src="URL" width="">

    I’ll have more on this in a day or two… it’s late in the day for all this.But if anybody has a problem with it, just ask me a question.

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  12. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 8 years ago


    Yeah, as x_Tech just pointed out….SOME color can be added.Only blue and red, though…. and the red changes your post.

    What doesn’t work is the “color” tag that X mentions on his blog…that used to allow us to choose any color by typing in a color name or number from lists found on the web.

    However… if you post a link, the link text will be blue and underlined, so he was showing you how to “fake out” your browser by signalling with the <A> tag that a link was coming, when it wasn’t.Red is made with the <H5>text</H5> tags, which turn your whole post into red upper case letters…. and no, I don’t know why.

    It just does!
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  13. Cat29
    x_Tech  over 8 years ago

    @SusanIt’s the way they define the heading style 5 in the GoComics cascading style sheet (css). The style sheet allows them to change the color , font size, and padding (the white space around the heading) and transforms and other atributes.h5 { color: #e75000; font-size: 12px; text-transform: uppercase; padding-bottom: 10px;}

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  14. Cat29
    x_Tech  over 8 years ago

    Click the image to see the code.And I don’t mean a pasted image, I mean HTML typed right into the comment box.
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  15. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  over 8 years ago

    Susan and x: I could work through this after coffee, but at midnight when I am trying to post, and don’t get all the jokes, I might be slow on the uptake. But I will try to use the information you have provided to add aspects to my posts, over time.

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