Very true. Remember all the ads for Boniva & Reclass ref: calcium deficiency? Don’t see either any more and you’d see at least three or four per hour of TV. My wife took both for several years per Doctor’s orders, and now has an excess amount of calcium in her system that probably contributed to the severe arthritis in her left hand for which she just had to have surgery.
arye uygur over 8 years ago
Does “easy peasy” mean that this strip has been influenced by Mary Worth?
Phred Premium Member over 8 years ago
Stop the TV ads is a good start.
ChessPirate over 8 years ago
“We make piles off of your piles!”“No!”
zeimetr over 8 years ago
Very true. Remember all the ads for Boniva & Reclass ref: calcium deficiency? Don’t see either any more and you’d see at least three or four per hour of TV. My wife took both for several years per Doctor’s orders, and now has an excess amount of calcium in her system that probably contributed to the severe arthritis in her left hand for which she just had to have surgery.
Jim Kerner over 8 years ago
Typical .of a one per center
neverenoughgold over 8 years ago
Thankfully we have big Pharma, because a lot of folks would be dying a lot younger if we didn’t…
wordsmeet about 3 years ago
Aside from Big Pharma, a recent review of a book written by an ICU doctor scared the bejesus out of me.