Frog Applause by Teresa Burritt for June 18, 2016

  1. 654px red eyed tree frog   litoria chloris edit1
    Superfrog  over 8 years ago


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  2. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member over 8 years ago

    I had expected something, but not this. As the full moon rose over the skyline, he began to change. Whiskers sprouted and a tail appeared as his spine extended outward, adding bones, muscle, nerve, skin and hair as I watched in horrified fascination. The transformation was as revolting as it was sudden. And then there he stood, or rather lay, before me, a fully transformed being of legendary horror, the Were-Possum. The stench was unbearable. I fled, gagging.

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  3. Td  2
    Rotifer FREE BEER & BATH MATS ON FEB. 31st Thalweg Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Lycanthropy is a recurrent F.A. theme, about which several observations: 1) Teresa raises wolves, 2) Teresa was raised by wolves, or 3) Teresa is a closet Bush 41* fan.

    * George H. W. Bush’s Secret Service code name was Timberwolf.

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 8 years ago

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  5. Pnutbowlavatar
    Thomas R. Williams  over 8 years ago

    Misanthropic hooligans?

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    William Neal McPheeters  over 8 years ago

    Hmmmmm… don’t think he/she thinks she/he is a wolf. Not enough hair. Black digits? A lizard maybe?

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  7. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member over 8 years ago

    With superhuman powers of deception and stealth, the Were-Possum continued to stalk its prey, lying silent in the road, waiting… waiting… just waiting. It’s protective aura, definitely not redolent of almond typos, made it nearly invisible as I maintained a distance that placed it beyond my line of sight.

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Who knew that Lycanthic bunnies were still cute?

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 8 years ago

    …yer just jealous that the voices talk to me…

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    wilburgarrod  over 8 years ago

    Happy, Happy, Happy!!!Ă—4vscute bunny

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    *Space Madness at The Station*  over 8 years ago

    After all a full moon is werewolf’s time in the cycle of finger licking good, Mmmmm

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  12. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member over 8 years ago

    I was a were-wolf for a bit. Once every month, for several days, I would become a soul-less slavering beast, long in nail and tooth but short in intellect. Ah, those were the days. That may also have been a Duran Duran song i heard. I tend to confabulate as time goes on.

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  13. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Nah… just keep to yourself and avoid the moonlight and it’s usually okay. It’s all the Moon, you know.

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  14. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 8 years ago

    Is this a shaggy wolf tale? A shaggy arm-tail? Condoms will not protect from inner claws—furry claws that we call “flaws.”Is tonight’s a full moon?

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  15. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Poisoning may also occur following picking the leaves without wearing gloves; the aconitine toxin is absorbed easily through the skin. In this event, there will be no gastrointestinal effects. Tingling will start at the point of absorption and extend up the arm to the shoulder, after which the heart will start to be affected. The tingling will be followed by unpleasant numbness.

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  16. Painpain
    painedsmile  over 8 years ago

    Vote early and vote often. Apparently, this werewolf voted five times. You’d think the officials would have noticed that the beast’s digits were already dyed.

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  17. Painpain
    painedsmile  over 8 years ago

    I suspected that werewolves wore long sleeves, but how fashionable to roll up the sleeves.

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