Fact: small children actually get more when they're overtired. This phenomenon is called sucks to be you.
At a certain point they become proof that perpetual motion is possible and not a myth!
When they are too tired to walk home, just tell them to run or hop all the way, instead!
This is why there are human sized hamster wheels. Hook them up to a generator and you’ll have the power meter running backwards in no time.
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October 11, 2017
Sleuth over 8 years ago
At a certain point they become proof that perpetual motion is possible and not a myth!
paha_siga over 8 years ago
When they are too tired to walk home, just tell them to run or hop all the way, instead!
Teto85 Premium Member over 8 years ago
This is why there are human sized hamster wheels. Hook them up to a generator and you’ll have the power meter running backwards in no time.
Julie478 Premium Member over 8 years ago
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