Working Daze by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for June 09, 2016

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    corpcasselbury  almost 9 years ago

    As opposed to what? And no, I don’t play Pokemon.

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    davanden  almost 9 years ago

    This was all after my time.

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    belgarathmth  almost 9 years ago

    @corpcasselbury, all the collectible card games keep releasing new “series” or “editions” so they can keep selling cards. Each new series that is released “changes the power curve”, meaning the cards keep getting higher numbers of all the game functions, that is, more powerful. So, you have to keep buying cards to keep your play deck up to date, or you’ll lose every game to people who have the newer cards. What the comic means is that they’re playing with the original series of cards that was first released however many years ago, before it kept changing over the years with more and more cards added.

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    johnzakour Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    D&D tended to do the same thing with the power curve.

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    1956monkey  almost 9 years ago

    kinda like playing the Mayfair Games release of Kingmaker or Risk or Stratego with the wooden pieces

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    Comic Minister Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    I see now.

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  7. Zakour signing
    johnzakour Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    What I meant was levels and attributes really went godlike from what I was use to in the 70s.

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